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Memories of Santorini and the Greek Islands

by Kenneth Bagnell

ometimes, the simplest phrase is enough to inspire the most romantic memory of all my travels that can be summarized in three words: the Greek Islands.

These legendary islands rise in the bluest of all blue seas. We.’ve sailed to them from a port called Pireaus, on the outskirts of Athens, the city where democracy began. There, on a vessel belonging to the historic cruise line, Cunard (founded in the 1840s by Canadian entrepreneur Samuel Cunard), we embarked on a journey over waters that embrace islands whose names are part of antiquity: Mykonos. Naxos. Paros. Santorini.

These legendary islands rise in the bluest of all blue seas.

On one cruise, the captain welcomed us to the Bridge. The panoramic view was sublime. I asked why the blue of the Aegean was so pure, so clear. He gestured upward, and said, “the light.” Then he gestured downward and added, “the depth.”

It would be easy, given the luxury of Cunard, to settle back, take in the view and enjoy Cunard.’s famous service. It would also be a mistake. For the islands are unique, none more than Santorini.

Santorini was formed many ages ago by an upheaval of the ocean floor. When, centuries later, life returned, tiny settlements grew on the cliffs, almost as if on the rim of a volcano. Now, as Cunard.’s ship draws near the island, silence descends. It seems almost as if the white houses might tumble to the sea below.

They never have, and today visitors can be grateful that when they sail the Aegean, on that most romantic of sea voyages, the spectacle of Santorini awaits them.

Greek National Tourism Organization: Tel. 212/421-5777; www.visitgreece.gr.
Cunard Cruise Line: www.cunard.com.

Kenneth Bagnell is a freelance travel writer in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

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Santorini's Village of Oia
Located high above the Mediterranean Sea
Giuseppi Finocchiro photo